It is one of the most ideal times of the year to give your indoor plants a little extra TLC. Wilting leaves, yellowing, roots surfacing above the soil, deformation, or water draining too quickly through soil are all telltale signs that a plant is no longer happy in it's current home. Over time, the soil your plants live in loses essential nutrients and the ability to hold water. While this is happening, the soil depletes and the plants' root system continues to grow until they take up the entire space in the pot and begin to coil. This is referred to as "root-bound" or "pot-bound." If ignored, this lack of root space will without fail lead to a very unhappy, sick plant.

Leading up to spring, a few of my beloved plants were beginning to show some signs of stress. I knew that repotting can often be a bit of a traumatic experience for plants so I sought out the expert advice of Adam Mallory from Crown Flora Studio. If you've had the pleasure of visiting their botanical oasis here in Toronto, you'll understand exactly why I headed to their studio. The following are Mallory's insiders tips to help you make all the right indoor repotting moves and have your plants singing your praises.



Take a moment to think about what type of plant you are working with. It's wise to repot at the beginning of a plant's active growth period. For most plants this means you will want to repot in the spring. With plants that bloom in the winter, you'll want to consider repotting in the fall after their dormant period and right before their active growth.


Make sure to give your plant a thorough watering several days in advance. This will stabilize the plant's vitality for the upcoming move and help to loosen the soil for an easier transfer.


While it can be fun to choose a pot based on aesthetics, it is important the pot lives up to the plant's needs. Plastic, metal, glass and terra cotta all breathe and retain moisture differently which will have an impact on plant based on how dry or moist they like to be. Terra cotta is always a smart choice as it is porous, adapts well to different climates and has built-in drainage. Consider adding a layer of stones to the bottom of a pot that does not have a hole/holes
already built in. Also, make sure to choose a comfortable fit for your beloved botanical friend. Opting for something too small could hinder your plants growth, while choosing a pot too large will only encourage the roots to overgrow. A good rule of thumb is to choose a new pot no more than 2 inches wider at the rim than the old pot.


Just as it is important to choose the right time of year and pot, it is equally important to give some thought to the potting mix you choose. Be specific to the type of plant you are working with. There are soils for plants that like a dry environment like succulents and cacti, and soils for tropical plants who like to live in an environment with more moisture. Choosing the right soil will give your plant a longer, happier life.


If the plant has lived in that pot for some time, it could be a little difficult to remove it from it's current home. Turn your plant and the pot on it's side and gently ease the plant out - do your best to not "ruffle it's feathers" too much here. You may need a tool to help with this. If so, take your trowel or a knife around the edge of the pot to loosen things up. After you have removed it from it's old pot, you'll want to break up the root system with your hands. This will help to establish its roots, quite literally, in its new home.


Now it's time to replant and repot! Partly fill the new container with potting mix, center your plant in the new pot and fill in around the plant with additional mix. Pat the soil down around the edges of the pot, but ensure not to pack down the soil too firmly - you want to give your plant some breathing room and allow it the space to settle.


Repotting is an exhausting experience for a plant. Consider everything in moderation afterwards to help the plant adjust. Too much light can be harsh on a weakened plant, even if they typically like a lot of sun. It's best to find a bright, but not fully sunny spot, for the plant to to adjust for the first week. You'll want to water your plant immediately after repotting, but don't overwater so much that the soil is soggy. Give it a good week before watering again. Lastly, if you choose to fertilize your plants, wait at least a month to avoid fertilizer burn on any roots have been freshly exposed or pruned in the move.


There is something about the French and their culture that truly intrigues me. I think it might be their willingness to embrace character quirks and imperfections and overall enthusiasm for life. In a society that is continuously striving for perfection- to be the perfect parent, eat the perfect balanced diet, to Iive each day just perfectly- we tend to overlook the small opportunities of pleasure and joy presented to us daily. These are the sort of "joie de vivre" moments the Parisians seem to embrace as if it's their philosophy on life.

I collected a few of my favourite tips from the book How To Be Parisian Wherever You Are, and have shared them below. 


1. Read the newspaper by yourself on your lunch break. 

2. Talk to everyone in the same tone of voice, whether it's your parents, the taxi driver, your boss, a celebrity you met at a bar, or the newspaper vendor on the corner. 

3. Be thankful you always wear nice lingerie- you never know what might happen.

4. Promise yourself you won't go out on a Friday, so as to get a good night's rest. Nevertheless, go for a drink after work, then get dragged to a restaurant, and end your night in a club, in spite of yourself. 

5. Be aware of your qualities and faults. Cultivate them in private but don't obsess. 

6. Treat yourself to some flowers to brighten up your apartment. 

7. Eat croissants and buttered toast for breakfast- because it's Saturday morning and you burned enough calories last night, damn it. 

8. Agree to (at least a little) weekend exercise but only in "beautiful" surroundings: a run in a picturesque public park or a swim in a historically listed pool. 

9. Order wine at lunch. 

10. If you only own one sweater, make sure it's cashmere. 

11. Go to the theatre, to museums, and to concerts as often as possible: it gives you a healthy glow. 

12. Be best friends with friends of different generations. (both young and old, but especially the old) 

13. Cross the street when and where you shouldn't. 

14. Not too much makeup, too many colours, too many accessories. 

15. Enjoy the face you have today. It's the one you'll wish you had ten years from now. 




Above photo- Jane Birkin 


We are all getting excited for spring to come, the snow to melt, and the days to feel longer again. The reality is, winter isn't over just yet, and right about now our skin is really starting to feel the effects of this dry season. So, to help get us through this last exhausting stretch of winter, I went to the experts at Province Apothecary for their advice on winter skincare. I couldn't be more thrilled to share this inside info- from a team of knowledgeable, holistic skin experts, who are continuously gathering knowledge and inspiration from their clients, the weather and the seasons- with you. 


Every cell in our body requires the right amount of healthy fats to function properly. When our body is given the raw materials to heal itself, we will see the results reflected in the mirror. It won’t happen overnight- but your skin will become plumped up with essential fatty acids that aid in hydration, anti-aging and rejuvenating the overall appearance of your skin. Fortunately, what you’re doing for your skin will benefit your entire body, from the inside out. Flax oil is a great option as it also provides anti-inflammatory benefits that work miracles on sensitive skin or any condition similar to eczema, psoriasis, acne, dehydration or signs of aging. Fish oils are rich in omega-3 essential oils that make the skin look younger, fresher and joints feel better!


A lot of our clients are expressing concerns with exfoliating during the cold, dry winter months. Especially clients with sensitive skin types mention irritation and inflammation occurring within the skin. The issue is not whether you should exfoliate- it’s the type of exfoliator you’re using. As long as you are using an appropriate exfoliator for your skin type, it’s extremely beneficial to exfoliate your face every 3 days. When using a gentle + hydrating exfoliating treatment, you will improve moisture levels within the skin, slough away flakiness, impart a natural youthful glow, and allow other skincare products to work more efficiently. We recommend our Regenerating + Stimulating Exfoliator, perfect for all skin types. It contains hydrating ingredients such as oats (which retain moisture levels within the skin cells), lentils, flax (high in anti-inflammatory benefits), lavender flowers, and green tea leaf (invigorating and brightening). We suggest using our exfoliator in the shower (morning or night) and massaging it into your face for 1-3 minutes. The massage will increase circulation and improve the benefits of the exfoliation.


Sometimes we focus so much on taking care of our face, that we forget about the rest of our bodies- especially in the winter months when we are covered up! But taking care of your entire skin organ during the whole year will maintain a soft, supple feel and healthy glow. Scrub away that dead skin build up and gently remove toxins from the body. A great DIY body scrub can easily be achieved with ingredients from your kitchen pantry. Mix 1 1⁄2 cups brown sugar with 1⁄2 cup olive oil- add in some fresh coffee grinds for an invigorating and awakening morning scrub. Follow up with a whole body moisturizer- we suggest hemp, avocado, flax, sunflower and/ or olive oil. Trust us- you’ll soon want to remove all those extra layers and show off your glowing hydrated skin!


Layering skin care products will add an extra barrier to protect your skin against the outside environmental elements. It’s essential in increasing and maintaining hydration levels within the skin cells. Sometimes one just isn’t enough- we recommend using a potent + pure face serum underneath your favourite face moisturizer. Serums are packed full of antioxidants that protect the skin against free radical damage, therefore preventing the signs of aging. Moisturizers maintain the hydration levels within the skin and impart a supple, soft feel.


Our skin cells naturally lose moisture during the dry winter months. When it’s dry enough, the moisture on our top surface layer of skin will evaporate into the air. Adding humidity to your air will in turn infuse your skin with moisture, soothing dry cracked skin, healing sore acne blemishes, and calming irritated skin conditions. Cold air humidifiers don’t harbour bacteria as quickly as hot air, but it’s still recommended to replace the water daily, and keep it wherever you spend most of your time throughout the day. I like to have one on beside my bed at night time- the soothing white noise is appreciated by some and not by others, so you decide where is best for your home. 


We already have a lot of amazing ingredients in our homes that we can use to create our own DIY face masks. Depending on your combination, it may be pretty tasty too! The basis for a face mask is simple. You want to use dry and wet ingredients in whatever amounts will produce a creamy, smooth paste. My favourite DIY face masks for the winter months include: flesh of an avocado, plain yogurt, natural honey, oatmeal, pureed fresh fruit (or frozen from fresh, then thawed) and lemon juice.


At some point in our lives, we’ve all been told that petroleum based products will heal our skin and maintain exceptional hydration levels. The reality is that they do neither. Petroleum is a by-product of the oil industry. It’s an extremely inexpensive ingredient that provides the appearance immediate “results” but in the long term it’s thick texture will clog pores and seal in dirt and impurities. Instead, opt for lip and face balms with natural ingredients such as beeswax. Beeswax provides protection, hydration and healing qualities- all very important during the dry winter months. Prevent frost bite, flakiness, and dehydration with this superior ingredient. Best of all, it’s completely natural and can be locally sourced. We use this potent ingredient in our face, body + lip balms: Hydrating Rescue Body BalmProtecting + Restoring Face BalmRepairing + Conditioning Lip Balm and Healing Eczema Balm.





Advice from: Julie Clark and Cassandra Bradshaw, Holistic Aestheticians, Province Apothecary 

Photo credit: relaxedhairhealth.blogspot.ca


Having the right items stocked in your kitchen is the first step to eating clean and maintaining healthy routines. It's so easy to get off track and off balance if you don't have the proper items to work with when it comes time to eat.

Cleanse your kitchen of the items that are holding you back, taking up space, and making the kitchen difficult to navigate. Then set yourself up for success by stocking the cupboards and fridge with these nutrient rich, whole foods items that are versatile and easy to incorporate into snacks, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 




1. GRAINS + NOODLES: steel cut oats, rolled oats, quinoa, brown rice, wheat berries, buckwheat groats, buckwheat soba noodles, brown rice pasta, Sprouted Whole Grain Ezekiel Bread, white popcorn kernels (helpful for late night snacking) 

2. FRUITS + VEGETABLES: tomatoes/cherry tomatoes, avocado, pear, apple, orange, grapefruit, frozen blueberries, lemon, broccoli, celery, cucumber, zucchini, carrot, sweet potato, napa cabbage, kale, arugula, red or yellow pepper, beet, green onion, garlic, ginger root

3. SOY: tofu, tempeh 

4. SWEETENERS: raw local honey, pure organic maple syrup

5. MILK, YOGURT + EGGS: almond milk, coconut milk, goat yogurt, free-range eggs

6. DRIED HERBS + SPICES: cinnamon, cayenne, chili flakes, turmeric, marjoram, bay leaves, sage, oregano, basil, rosemary, black peppercorn, sea salt, Japanese Seven Spice, nutritional yeast (not a herb or a spice but used for flavouring like one) 

7. NUTS + SEEDS: raw almonds, raw walnuts, raw cashews, raw brazil nuts, hemp seeds, chia seeds, raw pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds

8. DRIED FRUIT: goji berries, apricots, dates 

9. BEANS + LEGUMES: black beans, white beans, lentils, chickpeas

10. OILS: olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil

11. VINEGARS: apple cider vinegar, red wine vinegar, white wine vinegar, rice vinegar

12. SPREADS + SAUCES: almond butter, hummus, tamari, tahini, dijon mustard, seeded mustard 

13. TEA: green tea, matcha powder, mint tea, dandelion tea and powder

14. CHOCOLATE: raw and/or organic dark chocolate


All of my recipes are based on some combination of the above ingredients- click here for a few of those and check back in for weekly clean eating inspiration. 


NOTE: This is a personal list of items that work for me. This list has not been developed for sensitivities to wheat, dairy and/or soy. 


With Valentine's day a week away, it's easy to get distracted by all the commercial noise and struggle to choose a gift for the one we love. I've put together the following Valentine gift guides for both him and her to hopefully make this process a little easier this year. I've included some luscious, some indulgent and all quality crafted goods. With one of these simple gestures, we might just realize this holiday isn't so terrible after all. 

Tune in next week for a gift giveaway filled with essential oils and aphrodisiacs from one of my favourite brands- Province Apothecary!



This post may make a few of my friends chuckle considering the largely barren walls of my apartment. Although I have taken a minimalist approach to displaying art (simply due to the fact that I don't own any, yet), I have spent enough time analyzing wall art arrangements to understand the different directions one can take. 

Hanging art is often overwhelming due to the copious amount of rules surrounding the "art of hanging art" and the commitment level involved. But for a moment, let's throw out all the rules and understand the only thing one needs is inspiration. The following guide is broken down in a way meant to inspire and allow us to take a less serious and more fun approach, so that we all can all enjoy a little (or a lot of) of art on the daily.  



dreamsandjeans.comFULL GALLERY WALL- stagger art across the entire span of a wall from top to bottom and wall to wall. 


FULL GALLERY WALL- stagger art across the entire span of a wall from top to bottom and wall to wall. 

cocolapinedesign.comSMALL GALLERY WALL- a gallery wall also works well with small wall or space between two doors or windows. 


SMALL GALLERY WALL- a gallery wall also works well with small wall or space between two doors or windows. 

desiretoinspire.netLEVEL GALLERY- stagger art work at eye height, each level with the other. 


LEVEL GALLERY- stagger art work at eye height, each level with the other. 

domainehome.comGRID GALLERY- for a more structured look, hang art work in rows and columns. This approach works well with photography.  


GRID GALLERY- for a more structured look, hang art work in rows and columns. This approach works well with photography.  

thedesignchaser.comWRAP GALLERY- stagger art work across the wall and around fixed objects like a door frame, T.V., or a large piece of furniture. 


WRAP GALLERY- stagger art work across the wall and around fixed objects like a door frame, T.V., or a large piece of furniture. 

lovelylife.seCORNER GALLERY- bring life to a lonely corner by hanging art work on either side of the walls that meet the corner in a cluster formation. 


CORNER GALLERY- bring life to a lonely corner by hanging art work on either side of the walls that meet the corner in a cluster formation. 

 STAIRWAY GALLERY- make use of the stairway by hanging art on the walls that follow the staircase. 


STAIRWAY GALLERY- make use of the stairway by hanging art on the walls that follow the staircase. 


quincewithsugar.tumblr.comFULL WALL LEANING SHELF GALLERY- install shelves along an entire wall from high to low and play around with the placement of art and other objects. The best part about this approach is having the liberty…


FULL WALL LEANING SHELF GALLERY- install shelves along an entire wall from high to low and play around with the placement of art and other objects. The best part about this approach is having the liberty to change it up from time to time. 

cjwho.comSINGLE SHELF LEANING GALLERY- a single shelf with a small gallery works well over a bed or alongside a dining room table. 


SINGLE SHELF LEANING GALLERY- a single shelf with a small gallery works well over a bed or alongside a dining room table. 

lifeonsundays.comFLOOR LEANING GALLERY- for an effortless display, lean art along a wall using the floor like a shelf. 


FLOOR LEANING GALLERY- for an effortless display, lean art along a wall using the floor like a shelf. 

poppytalk.comLEANING GALLERY ON FURNITURE- make use of surface space and display art on top of your furniture. 


LEANING GALLERY ON FURNITURE- make use of surface space and display art on top of your furniture. 


residencemagazine.seFRAMELESS ART-  frameless art gives off a simple and casual look, allowing you the opportunity to change up the artwork from time to time. Get creative with hanging these pieces using clips, pins or a goo…


FRAMELESS ART-  frameless art gives off a simple and casual look, allowing you the opportunity to change up the artwork from time to time. Get creative with hanging these pieces using clips, pins or a good tape. 

trendenser.se FRAMELESS ART CLUSTER - a cluster of pictures, sketchings, clipping or postcards instantly beome art by displaying them together on a wall. The cluster formation lends itself nicely to this type of artwork…


FRAMELESS ART CLUSTER - a cluster of pictures, sketchings, clipping or postcards instantly beome art by displaying them together on a wall. The cluster formation lends itself nicely to this type of artwork and works especially well above a kitchen table or a desk. 

inspire.neuetoyou.comSINGLE FRAMELESS PIECE- a single frameless art piece, big or small, can make for an alluring display. 


SINGLE FRAMELESS PIECE- a single frameless art piece, big or small, can make for an alluring display. 


blogmilkblog.comSINGLE LARGE ART- go for the minimalist approach and only hang a few charming pieces here and there. One large piece of art has a bold impact on any space. 


SINGLE LARGE ART- go for the minimalist approach and only hang a few charming pieces here and there. One large piece of art has a bold impact on any space. 

trendenser.seSINGLE SMALL ART- don't overthink where or how the art should be hung. Let a small piece of art sit alone and speak for itself. 


SINGLE SMALL ART- don't overthink where or how the art should be hung. Let a small piece of art sit alone and speak for itself. 

cocolapinedesign.comODD NUMBERS- as a rule of thumb, things in odd numbers are always more interesting. Three pictures could be hung asymmetrically or symmetrically (as shown above). 


ODD NUMBERS- as a rule of thumb, things in odd numbers are always more interesting. Three pictures could be hung asymmetrically or symmetrically (as shown above). 

trendenser.seEVEN NUMBERS- hang an even amount of art close together to create the illusion of one display, oppose to multiple individual pieces. You can hang these symmetrically or offset for more interest (as shown above). 


EVEN NUMBERS- hang an even amount of art close together to create the illusion of one display, oppose to multiple individual pieces. You can hang these symmetrically or offset for more interest (as shown above). 


I will admit that in the past I have been guilty of mornings that lack structure. Not one thing was ever the same as the morning before, and overall they lacked flow and routine. However, recently I have come to appreciate what a good morning ritual celebrates- a clean slate. Each day we get the chance to start over and have an impact on the outcome of the new day. From the minute we get out of bed our actions begin to impact the events to come. So with a few right moves in the morning, each and every day, we have the opportunity to set ourselves up for success and let the day unfold with ease and balance.


Let yourself have a peaceful rest without interruptions and temptations by placing your phone in another room before sleep. Get an old-school clock or use another device (with less temptations) to set an alarm on. Those initial moments upon waking are possibly the most clear headed you'll be all day- don't spoil this moment with the clutter of emails and social media. After your alarm goes off, give yourself five minutes to lay in bed with your own thoughts. Check in with yourself asking: how did I sleep? how am I feeling? and set an intention for the day. And if that intention doesn't get you out of bed, having your phone in another room should. 


We aren't talking about hours here. Simply fifteen minutes earlier each day will allow for a more mindful morning with less stress. How you start your day can truly set the stage for the events to come. By allowing yourself the time to sip your tea and collect your thoughts, you will be better mentally prepared to handle whatever happens to come your way that day.

This is the one I struggle with the most. I live for a hot beverage in the morning, so drinking a glass of water is more often than not interrupted once the kettle boils. Although hot lemon water and herbal teas are hydrating, use the first few vertical minutes of the day to immediately flush your body and awaken the senses with a tall cool glass of water. We lose control over the day the minute we step out of the house and sometimes this means we get behind on our water intake. Set yourself up for success by knocking one of those eight glasses a day off the list first thing in the morning.  


Stimulate the digestive system and prepare the body for the food to come with a warm lemon water. This is not to replace your love affair with coffee (although with time maybe it will). You can still enjoy that cup of joe, later. Let your insides be gently awakened with a cup of warm lemon water to aid digestion and kick start your metabolism. If you are anything like me, and lemon water becomes a bit of a bore, try my Ginger Lemon & Turmeric Tea- this immune boosting concoction will wake up and warm your entire body inside and out. While using fresh ingredients is always best, you can also grab yourself a good quality tea that includes lemon and/or ginger for similar results when pressed for time.


This won't be the first time you've heard "breakfast is the most important meal of the day". While true, many still choose to opt out of this simple and easy meal. Not only does eating breakfast give you the energy you need to start your busy day, it jumpstarts your metabolism, and helps curb cravings throughout the entire day. So blend a smoothie, have an egg on toast, eat some yogurt with fruit and nuts or at the very least, a power bar and a piece of fruit (caution: take note of the sugar content in your powerbar and purchase wisely). 


Start the day energizing your body with a few deep breaths and light stretches. Whether it be on your yoga mat, or just in front of your bathroom mirror, take five minutes to stretch out those tight spots and release some of the previous day's tension before starting a new day. Don't make this feel like a work out, just take a few deep breaths in and out, listen to your body and work on the areas that are calling for some attention. It might seem like a bit of an effort at first, but before you know it you'll look forward to this part of your day.  


Allocate at least ten minutes of each morning for something of personal enjoyment. Just the thought of this ritual should motivate you to get up and out of bed. Be religious about this time each and every morning. Take the time to write in a journal, sit down and read your favourite newspaper or blog, tend to your plants, sing and dance, or sit down and play with your kids. Whatever it is, make it your time and own it.


A few of these magazines were already featured in our Holiday Gift Guide for: The Modern Woman, The Modern Man, and The Host. However, I believe a magazine subscription is one of the best possible gifts one can give and therefore the magazine deserves its own entire Holiday Gift Guide. 

I love the entire experience of having a magazine delivered to me in the mail- from anticipating its arrival and finding it in my mailbox, to slowing life down and enjoying a hot cup of tea while reading the magazine from front to back, and then back to front. Quality magazines live on to make excellent coffee table art for your guests to enjoy, as well. 

Magazines give us the opportunity to put our feet up and indulge in time for ourselves- time to forget about our busy schedules, and time away from our screens. What gift could be better to give than that? 



A magazine from Los Angelos, US, set on redefining femininity, challenging unrealistic ideals women are held to, and providing deeper wisdom and advice to women who long for more in life. A moditvational read for the modern woman. 

Categories: Fashion & Lifestyle

Subscription: Quarterly 


A recipe-driven, publication from the UK, dedicated to evoking the spirit of gathering- cooking, eating, laughing, and the rituals that come from being together. Oh, and the photography- delicious!  

Categories: Food & Wine / Culinary Arts 

Subscription: Bi-annual 


A magazine based out of Bristol, UK, about travel and lifestyle, includes thoughtful articles and a minimalist aesthetic appeal. The editors of Cereal believe, "the enjoyment of food and travel are two significant elements of a good life". Written in literary style, with chapters focusing on expositions of food, travel destinations, as well as profiles on products, people and places. An inspirational publication that might just have you booking your next flight across the globe. 

Categories: Food & Wine / Travel 

Subscription: Quarterly 


From Portland, Oregon, US, this magazine is likely the most well known and popular of the bunch. Kinfolk offers dreamy, simple, rustic imagery that romances the idea of "slow living". They say, "Every element of Kinfolk- the features, photography, and general aesthetics- are consistent with the way we feel entertaining should be: simple, uncomplicated, and less contrived. Kinfolk is the marriage of our appreciation for art and design and our love for spending time with family and friends." The New York Times calls it "Prairie Porn". 

Categories: Lifestyle & Culture / Popular Culture 

Subscription: Quarterly 


A magazine from the Netherlands, featuring inspirational women including cover models as diverse as Beyonce, Angela Lansbury, Adele and Inez van Lamsweerde. This magazine combines ambitious journalism with a sartorial perspective on personal style. Offering a fresh perspective and a clever approach to fashion, while exploring the way women actually look, think and dress. 

Categories: Fashion / Couture & Designer 

Subscription: Bi-annual 


A Canadian, magazine focused on featuring inspiring and talented people in the world of design, craftsmanship and culture, with emphasizes on accomplished journalism and beautiful imagery. A well rounded publication for the design loving and cultured man.  

Categories: Fashion / Urban Fashion 

Subscription: Bi-annual 


A timeless and distinguished, theme based magazine from Sweden's creative collective and fashion label- Acne. Acne Paper has created its voice, with its ambition to to unite creative minds.  "Because of its seriousness in content and originality of style the magazine is being recognized all over the world as an intelligent and glamorous publication unlike any other."

Categories: Fashion / Urban Fashion 

Subscription: Bi-annual 


A  magazine with original voices in the form of chapters: The Actors, The Directors, The Artists, The Collection, The Musicians, The Places and The Writers. This magazine lets you see familiar faces like you've never seen them before. 

Categories: Arts & Current Affairs 

Subscription: Bi-annual 


An Australian magazine for readers who are passionate about design. A cross-cultural publication that covers the South-East Asian and Australasian region of architecture and design and globally focuses on design products for the home.  

Categories: Architecture & Design / Home & Interior Design 

Subscription: Quarterly 


When it comes to Christmas decor, I like to take tips from the Scandinavians. With their Northern Lights, vast amounts of snow, winter sports and Christmas markets, they seem to really know how to make the most of this time of year. Staying true to Scandi-design, Nordic Christmas decor is simple, clean, and fresh, with warm and rustic touches. Minimalism is always the key, which allows one to really focus on the seasonal holiday details.  

A few tips to help you bring a Scandinavian Christmas into your home: 

  1. Keep things simple, less is always more. Take a pared down approach to everything including the tree and decorations (with the exception of candles). 
  2. Choose a natural palette of black, white/cream, and grey with touches of red, silver, and gold.  
  3. Introduce fresh greenery throughout the house, bringing life to a dull time of year. Fresh pine tree clippings placed in a water vase, or made into wreath. 
  4. Candlelight is essential in the Northern Hemisphere where the days are very short this time of year. Place a variety of lanterns, and candles sporadically throughout the home to bring warmth, luscious scents and mimic this nordic decor detail. Don't be afraid to use candles in abundance. 
  5. Add wool blankets and animal skins for texture and warmth. 
  6. Scandinavian homes are tight on space, so bigger is not always better when it comes to the Christmas tree. Use little pine trees, or make a bare branch tree for a low maintenance approach.  
  7. Make homemade ornaments from things in natures or of raw materials, and place them sparingly on dinning room tables, fireplace mantels, and the Christmas tree. 
  8. Keep the gift wrapping simple by using solid or simple patterns, and twine and/or simple embellishments such as rosemary clippings or a photo.  



1.thehousethatlarsbuilt.com 2.minted.com 3. Flickr.com 4. awakebysunrise.tumblr.com




I will be the first to admit that I can be particularly difficult to shop for. I have extremely vivid ideas of the things I need in my life and what I don't, the quality and functionality of these items, and of course their aesthetic appeal. Sounding a little hard to please eh? 

Knowing this about myself, and having met a couple of the same breed, I have put together the Holiday Gift Guide For The Modern Woman. Classic, fun and purposeful gift ideas, including a few sophisticated upgrades of things we already own- intended to please even the most difficult to shop for.  

1. Arnan Fisherman's Sweater- $50

2. The Transport Weekender- $298

3. Darling Magazine, single issue- $20, three pack- $55

4. Zip Leather Gloves- $63.78

5. Geo Stands, set of three- $60

6. Spotted Clutch- $130

7. Sugar Lip Polish- $26

8. High Low Belt- $40

9. Cashmere Scarf and Hat Set, Tan- $174.30

10. Herringbone Striped Planter- $29.99

11. Parsley Seed Cleaning Mask- $39

12. New Balance 410, Burgundy- $60

13. Soma Water Filter- $60

14. Passport Brown Leather w/ Copper- $61.09

15. Long Distance 1.0 Gold Watch- $365.74

16. Copper Hangers, set of five- $14.24

17. Rope Trivet- $28

18. Danica Necklace- $52

19. Parfum Botanique NO. 7- $46

20. Bralette- $19.20

21. Notebook- $9

22. Boy Short- $19.20